250% decreased cost per lead

The marketing funnel that resulted in a 250% decrease in cost per lead and significant growth for Fondplacerarna.

250% decreased cost per lead

Project details  

The marketing funnel that resulted in a 250% decrease in cost per lead and significant growth for Fondplacerarna.

Project Date
Mar 31, 2023

About the project  

Fondplacerarna is a Swedish fintech company that offers a unique service of analyzing the stock market and providing monthly newsletter recommendations for sustainable and profitable funds. The company had been successful in building a strong customer base, but was looking to decrease the cost per lead to further grow their business.
The main challenge faced by Fondplacerarna was to decrease the cost per lead. Despite having a loyal customer base, the company was spending a significant amount of money on acquiring new leads. The company had tried various marketing strategies, but had not been successful in reducing their cost per lead.

Project execution  

To address the challenge, WidenMarketing created a one-month plan of action that included a comprehensive analysis of the company's existing marketing strategy. The team identified areas of improvement and developed a strategy to optimize the company's marketing efforts. The team also implemented a new marketing funnel that was designed to target the right audience with the right message at the right time.
Within the first 30 days of working with WidenMarketing, Fondplacerarna saw a significant decrease in their cost per lead. The team was able to reduce the cost per lead by 250%, which resulted in a significant increase in the company's profitability. Additionally, the team implemented various marketing channels to further optimize the company's marketing effect.
WidenMarketing's expertise made it possible for Fondplacerarna to overcome their marketing challenges and achieve significant growth in their business. By combining a well-structured strategy with conversion optimization and cross-channel marketing, the team was able to help Fondplacerarna reduce their cost per lead and increase profitability.

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